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Interim Management in the healthcare sector

The need for interim managers in the healthcare sector is continually growing. This is due to various factors, including the increasing demands and changes in the healthcare sector, as well as the shortage of skilled workers and the increasing number of healthcare facilities. Interim managers can be deployed at short notice to bridge bottlenecks, implement projects or support change processes.


The healthcare sector is subject to constant change. New technologies, medical advances and legal requirements require continuous adaptation and further development of healthcare facilities. At the same time, hospitals and other healthcare facilities face the challenge of finding and retaining qualified staff. The healthcare workforce shortage is a widespread problem that is expected to worsen in the coming years.

Interim executives can offer valuable support in such situations. They are experienced managers with extensive know-how and can be deployed at short notice to bridge bottlenecks and ensure continuity in management. For example, they can be employed as hospital managers, nursing directors or other leadership positions. They bring not only their technical expertise, but also their experience in leading teams and implementing change processes.
The increasing number of hospitals and other healthcare facilities in many countries is also leading to an increased need for qualified managers who can take on the development and management of these facilities.

Interim executives can also play an important role in implementing change processes. The challenges of adapting to new legal requirements, optimizing processes and improving the quality of patient care often require extensive changes in organization and management. Interim managers can accompany these change processes and implement them successfully.

The use of interim management has proven to be an effective solution to bridge bottlenecks and drive change processes forward. Our executives bring a high level of expertise and experience and can be deployed at short notice to improve efficiency and quality in the healthcare system. The demand for interim management has grown significantly and we have successfully filled and completed several projects in the healthcare sector.


P+P Interim Management GmbH
Vienna TwinTower, Wienerbergstraße 11/12A

AT-1100 Vienna

Opening hours

Please arrange an appointment with us via telephone.

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