International Case Study from SMW: Interim HR Manager for a Swedish Heavy Manufacturing Firm

The client, an established Swedish-owned firm involved in heavy manufacturing, had revenues of about $15 million. The company had a US site that they wanted to close and reopen in a very different geography. In order to make this happen, they would need an experienced HR leader to help plan and execute. As they did not have the required expertise in-house, the firm sought the assistance of an interim HR leader. That person would be responsible for the closure of the current location, as well as the establishment of the new one.




Upon coming on board, the interim quickly put together a detailed strategy for the transition. Once this was accomplished, the HR Leader commenced bi-weekly, all-hands meetings for improved communication with every employee. The Interim also reviewed and updated the compensation and incentive packages for those involved.


As the new location plan began execution, the Interim was heavily involved in the new site selection, including the negotiations for the new site’s lease. Once established in the new location, the HR Leader instituted weekly leadership meetings and created a culture of transparency.


The company’s move was supported by over $5 million in economic incentives from local governments for new facility. There was no additional employee attrition due to the closure, all planned employees were retained through the closure. Lastly, the move was executed with no litigation issues.
The company’s managing director provided this statement:

“In order to swiftly relocate and restructure our operations and logistic center for the North American markets we decided that certain key critical experiences and skills were needed throughout the transition period. Cerius´ professional approach, swift execution in the search phase and the plug & play solution with the provided Interim Operations and HR executives have been key elements in helping our company through a challenging, interesting and time sensitive project.”

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